Do you remember in my post a few weeks ago when I showed you four shot glasses that I cast out of cement, and said, “I decided to make three of them into a set of vases?” And then I proceeded to paint and style them like it was all going to plan?
Did you buy that? If you did, you totally fell for the oldest blogger trick… the “I meant to do that” trick.
Truth is, I made a set of three because, due to my status as a total cement amateur, one of them had a big hole in the side.
After I finished screaming and crying (JK I DON’T CRY OVER CEMENT) I was actually pretty psyched, because I came up with a use for the messed up one that I liked even better than my original plan: painting it to be a little planter with the hole as a gaping mouth.
First, I painted the inside of the hole red, and the exterior of the vase white.
Next, I added little squinting eyes, a nose, and some stripes along the edges for some color and pattern. I didn’t really go into it with much of a design, and I stopped at this point because I liked it pretty well and I didn’t want to mess it up by adding unnecessary stuff.
Because painting a face on a tiny planter up to this point was totally necessary…
After the paint dried, I finished it up with a coat of polycrylic. I figured it would be a good idea to seal the craft paint, and I also like the way a bit of poly adds definition and shine to cement, like they did for my cement push pins.
Then, all I had to do was add a tiny plant, and he was done!
I just love planters with faces on them. If I were a more skilled painter, I would have added more details to make him a bit more “monster-y,” but I’m overall happy with the effect.
I like him more than my “straight-laced” set of vases (although I really like those, too).
What a happy accident to have an air bubble in just the right place! Now, I only wish I knew how to control the effect so I could make more for all my friends…
(Sharing at Think and Make Thursdays, Link Party Palooza, That DIY Party, Tip Me Tuesday, Whimsy Wednesday, Your Turn to Shine Link Party, One Project at a Time, Remodelaholic, Create It Thursday, and Weekend Retreat Link Party)