Meet my phone. It’s a fine phone. In fact, it’s kind of snazzy because it’s yellow. But the case has seen better days.
All I needed to remedy the situation was a clear case (I got one for really cheap on Amazon (affiliate link — read our policies), but just make sure you get the right case for the phone model you have), a free paint swatch from the hardware store, scissors, and an x-acto knife. You could pick any color paint chip you want, but you’ll probably pick turquoise because it’s the best color ever.
Step #1: Trace the outline of your phone onto the back of the paint swatch.
Step #2: Cut out the shape you’ve traced.
See if it fits in the back of the case, and trim as needed.
Step #3: Use your case to identify where the hole for the camera needs to be.
Step #4: Trace the outline of the hole on the back of the paint swatch, and cut out the hole with an x-acto knife. You might need to do some touch-up with little scissors, if your x-acto knife is as dull as mine.
Step #5: Put the paint swatch inside the case, facing out, and then put your phone in. Rejoice about your new, colorful, $7 case that can be changed up at any time.
You’re welcome, internet.
(Sharing at Your Turn to Shine Link Party, Link Party Palooza, One Project at a Time, Friday Favorites, August Before and After, Tip Me Tuesday, Merry Monday, Weekend Re-Treat Link Party, and Think and Make Thursdays)