I went to the Brimfield Antique Fair with someone other than Sage.
She was pretty insulted. In my defense, Sage told me months ago that she couldn’t go because she was running some stupid race. So when Erin (who I met at my new job!) was enthusiastic – and said that we could go the Saturday after my big work event/deadline – it seemed pretty perfect.
Erin is awesome. You’ll probably meet her again on the blog when we have the opportunity to show off the work she is doing on her new house. She and her husband Joel bought a fixer upper which they are transforming, and early indications are that it will be totally awesome! It has beautiful old details, and she’s got great style and some bold design decisions in mind (like all black painted floors).
But back to Brimfield. We had a blast! We even saw Flea Market Flip filming like Sage and I did when we went last year. However, we exercised extreme self-restraint and didn’t stalk them creepily. (Maybe Erin is a good influence on me.)
There are some cool things and great deals to find at Brimfield, and it is fun to see what crazy things are for sale at what crazy prices! Erin and I had fun trying to guess what different wierd things would cost. It is not always obvious! See if you can play along, below.
First, given all of the controversy behind selecting table lamps for the bedroom, I was on the lookout for the perfect pair to buy and put that issue to rest. I was really drawn to these, and they were HUGE, but I knew that Brad would find them utterly abhorrent.
You have to admit, they would have made a statement. But what do you think they cost?
They were $300 for the pair (pre-negotiation, so they could have probably been gotten for $250). A pretty good deal, I think! Too bad Brad doesn’t like sleeping next to alien octopuses.
On the weirder side, there is this giant lizard.
How much do you think this was priced at?
The answer:
I was not sure how to decide whether that is a good deal or not. On the one hand, that is a LOT of lizard per dollar. On the other hand, that is $795 more spending on lizards than I had budgeted for. I regretfully decided to pass.
Keeping with the reptile theme for the moment, there was this turtle holding a flower pot. It was helpfully labeled “standing turtle.”
What do you think it is worth?
In this case, worth is perhaps less in value and more in the joy you’d get of having this little guy standing around your house. Specifically, $40 worth of joy. Just look at that face!
I’m not sure why we found him so funny. But we did.
Finally, we spotted these cool buys, which definitely grabbed my attention and got me thinking about future projects.
They are little claw feet that you could buy to make or add to your own table! You just put them on a leg and then secure them with a screw through the side.
I was really tempted. Just think of the level of detail that would add to a project! They were nice quality, too. What do you think they cost?
The price wasn’t actually that bad.
However, I decided to pass. Buying four would up the cost of a project considerably and I’m not positive I would have been able to get a leg taper to look right to work with them. Besides, I don’t have a use for them at this point, and I’m trying to be better about hoarding stuff in the basement (you’re welcome, Brad).
But I did make a purchase! Check out this awesome light fixture. It is upside down here, but really it is a semi flush mount ceiling light.
It is clearly awesome, and it is LARGE. I am psyched about it. I am a ceiling light fanatic, but with low ceilings it is tough to find lights to get excited about at an acceptable price. I bought this one for $180 after negotiating down by about a third. It was definitely in the splurge category but is something I could afford. I am 95% sure it’s destination is the bedroom, but I am still open to other ideas. What do you think, too strange for the bedroom?
Erin bought some cool things, including these adorable little toy train accessories for her 6 year old who is crazy about his grandfather’s old train set.
Unfairly cute, yes?
And we also ran into some Tiny Bloggers who we’re collaborating with, and happen to know they made some pretty big purchases…
Thanks for shopping vicariously with us! How did you do? Were you able to predict the prices?
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