Long-time readers also know that now and again I like to share mini-tours of my parents’ home, which takes eco decorating to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL with organic, safe, sustainable, and reclaimed materials. (Check out their living room and dining room for all the details I’ve shared so far.) Today, I am back with a quick look at another of their rooms: a bright family den!
I love this room because it is so different than what I would do in my own space at this point in my life (although I’ve admitted previously that purple and more purple was once my decorating style of choice) but the room also really works for me. It grounds the lavendar color with brown and some rustic/masculine wood pieces to form a nice balance that is really cozy and not too serious. This is the space where my Dad is able to step away to work in quiet, and my Mom can retreat to watch proper television while the rest of us take over the living room for raucus support of the Patriots.
But you’re probably not reading this as a lifestyle piece (and are probably feeling a little incensed by the fact that we’re Pats fans #freebrady) so let’s get right into the eco features I promised!
The carpeting in this room is from FLOR, and is made of recycled/reclaimed materials and in a sustainable facility (and is also low emissions). It is quite soft and cozy!
It is also installed as carpet tiles and only held down at the corners, so can be easily pulled up and washed in the sink if there is a need. Great for kids and pets!
The beautiful wood door and hardware is from Nor’east Architectural Antiques, a great source of reclaimed house parts in New Hampshire. I love how it adds a ton of character to the room, while letting in light from the greenhouse.
The couch is by Lee Industries, a company with more eco features than I can viably describe here, and upholstered in 100% organic cotton with low-impact dyes.
The desk is locally produced in New England, and even the picture frames were selected thoughtfully, made from salvaged wood by a small company. (The portrait is actually by the same artist who did the paintings in my entry-area and living room – we bought these together while on a family vacation in the berkshires!)
Beyond the eco features, I love this room because of the family history. It is packed with my Dad’s books, and features statues carved by my Great Grandmother, Anna. Still on display is also a project I made in Junior High: a wierd bridge pen holder made of balsa wood, which I no doubt learned a lot making, all of which I have since forgotten.
Thanks for checking out this quick tour! Let me know what you think and whether you’ve got any eco features like these (or others) in your home! What sources should we know about when looking for safe and sustainable decorating options?