Anyway. This space has come a long way from earlier this fall. Here’s where we started:
First, we painted. Which, as you recall, was actually Maddie painting, and also I got over my irrational fear of caulk guns.
Then I built a hanging desk and shelving unit:
And climbed up a ladder outside the house to photograph it:
The back of the room was still looking like this, though:
Well, I’m pleased to share that this half of the room is looking a little better now:
Is this the room I would have designed for myself? Probably not. But did Sam want a Pinterest-perfect styled home office where every surface was covered with thoughtful vignettes of “gathered objects”? No, no he didn’t. This is design for real life, people.
The “finishing touches” mostly involved buying things. Specifically, a reclining chair, blinds, a TV, and a new dresser. Let’s take them in order, shall we?
The reclining chair was a big point of contention within the sea of contention that describes this project. Let’s just say that I am apparently not a good collaborator with anyone other than Naomi. I prefer form over function, and Sam was all “I want this room to be functional and comfortable.” God he’s difficult. We went around and around on the chair because he wanted a traditional recliner, and I would rather have burned down the study than put something like this in my home:
I’m so reasonable.
Finally we met in the middle with a heated massage chair Sam found on Amazon for $220 (affiliate link – read our policies) that is both comfortable and not offensive to my eyes.
Next up, new blinds. The house came with cheapo plastic blinds in every window:
We’ll likely upgrade them all over time, but mostly they aren’t an issue because we have up privacy sheers in most windows that hide the blinds and also make them unnecessary — we don’t need light blocking in most rooms so the blinds would just be for privacy, and the sheers do that.
But Sam’s office has a more minimalist look, and I didn’t feel like silky sheers with curtains layered over was the right way to go. Plus, he wants pretty good light blocking so that he can sit in the dark and play video games and stew about his mean wife who won’t get him a hideous recliner. The plastic blinds are not only hideous, they also aren’t the greatest at blocking out light.
So I did a bunch of research, and finally came across some decently affordable and well-reviewed “cordless blackout solar shades” from Home Depot. They will cut them to size for you, but I was lucky that their 33″-inch width is actually 32.5″ according to the website and that’s exactly what my two windows are. At $60 each they are a little bit of an investment, but totally reasonable in the spectrum of window treatment costs and for just two windows right now it was quite manageable. Also I had a gift certificate, because people know me well and give me awesome presents.
They were really easy to install, and look so much better than the broken and dingy plastic blinds we had. Here’s a side-by-side in the same lighting so you can see that I’m not just tricking you with nice lighting and a styled shot:
And of course here’s an after in some nicer lighting:
They’re pretty unobtrusive while up, and down they really do an excellent job of blocking the light. Here’s our bedroom in the morning light, where we’re still using the cheapo plastic blinds:
And here’s Sam’s study that same morning:
Okay, next up is the TV. Sam wants this to be a room where he can play video games. This is a major point of discussion between us, because I don’t care if he plays video games in the living room and I thought it’s sad for him to be spending all his time in another room. But that’s what he really wanted. So now as I write this, he’s sitting in his study and I’m all alone in the living room. Womp womp.
Anyway, we grabbed a 32″-inch TV off of Amazon (affiliate link – read our policies) for the space.
We went around and around on layout for the room, and he finally suggested the set-up we have now which I think is the best option. The recliner is along the short side wall, facing the TV on the end of the desk.
This leaves most of the floor space clear so that we can still easily use the room as an extra guest room when we have company (like over Thanksgiving, when we had a bunch of family staying with us). Welcome to the most beautiful guest room ever!

In retrospect, maybe I should climb off my high horse about the recliner…maybe a hideous recliner and I deserve each other.
The wall hanging is a rug that I (or my mom?) bought in Mexico about 10 years ago. We used it in our first apartment, and then didn’t have a space for it in our last apartment. As Sam’s office started to come together we knew we needed to add some color, and I thought the rug would be perfect. But it was too small to use as a rug, and I thought it would be perfect for the empty wall behind the recliner.
Next week I’ll share more about how we hung it.
Lastly, a dresser for storage.
This is actually a dresser we had in the bedroom, but I thought it would work well in here. So I moved it out of the bedroom and into here, and now we need something else for Sam’s clothes. I have a dream of a long and low dresser in the bedroom that can contain all our clothes and free up some floor space in there, so stay tuned on that.
Okay, so that’s all the stuff. There were a few smaller things I did in the room that I’ll share next week (hint: invisible bookends — I know, right?!?). Now I am ready to move on to another space where I don’t have to compromise. I’m a real delight.
(Sharing at Remodelaholic and The Creative Gallery)
I have a kitchen window that we put one of those exact cordless ones over, from home depot and I love it!! it was a great choice!
Glad to know it’s standing the test of time! Thanks Ellen!
I has a sad;( The hammock is gone! Big fan of indoor hammocks, here. The recliner doesn’t swing!
Love the rug on the wall. (In my dust-allergy opinion that’s the only place for them.) Love the whiteness. Must check out those blinds.
I know, it was a bummer to see it go! But given the size of the room, it basically required three open walls (one on either side to attach, one to run along), and Sam had too many other things he wanted to fit into the space. He had to choose between hammock and recliner, and recliner won out… If it helps ease the blow, the hammock didn’t really swing before either because it had to be so close to the wall! 🙂