While I might treat myself to a nice print to go in the medium-sized spot next to Brad’s dresser, now is really not the time to invest in a big piece for the huge wall next to the bed. It’s not just that large art is expensive (although that is part): I only want to buy real art when I am crazy about it, and that takes an good amount of time and luck that I just don’t have right now.
My solution to this problem in my first apartment (whose beige walls couldn’t be painted) was wall tapestries. They have two important qualities – big and cheap. I used one as a headboard to “elevate” the style of my bed (which was just a mattress and box spring on the floor).
We also hung a big pirate flag in the kitchen. Why? I am not sure.

(Actually, I am sure: pirates are awesome. Totally better than ninjas.)
However, I wasn’t considering tapestries to be an option for my mature, adult, I own my house and have a bed frame bedroom. That is, until I came across a bunch of tapestries on Etsy which are more photographs or art printed on fabric than the tapestry patterns I usually think of. Why didn’t anyone tell me this is a thing now?
They are the perfect size for my wall and are very affordable, so I’m considering one for the room. Here are a few of my favorites:
This mountain view by LocationPhotography (affiliate link – read our policies) is what first caught my eye and turned me onto the tapestry idea. I like that it is calm and moody: peaceful for the bedroom, but not too soft.
Similarly, this one by Micrografiks (affiliate link – read our policies) also has a bit of an edge. I think the black could look good in the room with so many light colors.
I also love this one by tlshd (affiliate link – read our policies). It is exactly the view I’d like to see out of my bedroom window as I fall asleep. I love that it is blurry and soft.
On the less sleepy side, this ocean view by LocationPhotography (affiliate link – read our policies) is also really pretty, and I think the colors would go well in my room. But have you noticed that everyone and their mother are decorating with close-ups of waves these days?
Not all the tapestries I found are photos. I love this one by DesignbyJuliaBars (affiliate link – read our policies), which has the feel of a painting.
And all the way to the painting look is this watercolor one by NewCreatioNZ (affiliate link – read our policies). The blue might be too much for the room, but it is so pretty!
Of course, a big part of making this look work will be hanging it in a way that doesn’t look college dorm – but that should be an easy DIY. What do you think? Have you used wall tapestries in your decorating lately? Would you?
If you don’t feel you can do another pirate flag (but always appropriate!), then I’d go for the Julia Bars. It’s dreamy, and it seems like you would always see something different in it as you’re drowsing off.
Thanks, Bonnie – yes, I am loving that one. I feel like it is really in line with the colors of the room, too!
I love them. I use them for shade in the summer also. You can put them on your bed too, or they are great for Windows too.
Love the bed idea! We got an all white duvet, and that is a great way to bring in some interest.
They are all lovely, yes!
Thank you!
ooh, pretty! I think the mountain one is my favorite. We have a tapestry hanging in our basement (wait. that’s not actually true: it fell down awhile back and I haven’t gotten around to rehanging it)….but that room is the kid rec room kind of place, so it’s okay for it to look like a dorm. That said, I would totally hang one elsewhere in my house if I had the right space for it and found the right one
Yes, the mountains are near the top of my list, too 🙂 I loved the tapestry look for a while, so I’m glad to bring it back! I’ll just need to figure out a hanging system that evokes a higher end vibe than dorm for the bedroom!
I’ve never considered hanging a tapestry, actually. I will say that my favorite of all that you posted is the one by Julia Bars. Very pretty.
Thanks, Ananda! It’s the most like a painting of the bunch – I love it, too!
I totally would use tapestries now that I have seen these! The first two are most my style. I’m into pine trees. 🙂
Glad to win you over 🙂
I’ve been thinking about a tapestry too but I’d want to make it look like a canvas print by building a frame like House of Jade did! http://www.houseofjadeinteriorsblog.com/2014/05/diy-octopus-ar.html
Great idea with the frame! Maybe I’ll try that. Although I was also thinking of just a nice bar of wood along the top?