Long-time readers know how we feel about this. Design is about pushing boundaries, so there is a surprisingly thin line between a “cool find” and a “why do they even make that train wreck”… and bloggers LOVE flirting with that line.
Today we’re going to show you some real stuff from craigslist that embodies all the latest trends and we think fall right near that line, and you’ll help us figure out which side they’re on. Will these finds help you be stylishly trendy in a good way, or over the top ridiculous?
You decide!
Of course we have to start with a contender in the “natural textures” category, which you all voted as the top trend of the year. Rattan and bamboo are going to be huge this year as ways to bring in variation while still staying calm and neutral. So what do you think of this bookcase as a way to get started?
It is described as the “most perfect rattan bookcase” so we figure there is no better piece to use for a referendum on the style overall. Is it charming, natural, and quaint? Or hopelessly busy and granny? Would you pay $150 for this perfect specimen?
Also in the “natural textures” category (it won the entire 2018 bracket, so obviously you need to stuff your home with A LOT of natural pieces in 2018), consider this nightstand:
It has a natural, weathered look, with a hint of color and a good amount of storage for a bedside table.
Though what do you think the “Good luck!!” in the posting means? Is it maybe haunted?
Next, consider this extraordinary sofa, which brings together the trend-giant of “hygge” with the coming dominance of 70s silhouettes (sorry), velvet, and mixing metals.
But does it bring them together in a good way? Can it really be a viable purchase when even the poster describes it as “very strange”? Can you make this look stylish or will any room you put it in magically transform into a sloppily finished basement rec room?
While we’re talking about throwback sofas, what do you think of these two pieces?
Would they look totally awesome in a retro living room, or is the vinyl a total no-go?
Please also consider these chairs, listed at quite a good deal for a set of four:
The silhouette is cute and they’re PINK you guys! PINK. And not just any pink, MILLENNIAL PINK. Do we need to say more?
And lastly, how about this dresser? We confess we’re not really sure which trend this is serving (natural textures, I guess?) but it was too intriguing a piece not to include:
The left section is a full-length opening with a closet rod, so this could double as a dresser and armoire in a room without a closet.
Maybe you could put it in your recently-purchased vacation home?
As always, we come across some bizarre things on Craigslist not worthy of your votes but that we can’t help sharing. This time, it’s this shelf that is being used to store…something:
Adult DVDs? Books that reveal the identity of the sellers, who are in Witness Protection? A collection of Twilight movies and novels? We don’t know, but we’re tempted to ask to come see the piece just so we can go gawk at whatever top secret items currently grace its shelves. Also, what is the photoshopped arrow below the third shelf pointing to?
Thanks for playing, we can’t wait to hear what you think!
The rattan bookcase: if it’s perfect, why are they selling it? My experience of such shelves (in other people’s homes) is that they are far from sturdy, and the weight of books would do them in completely. Best used for storing towels–or maybe air.
The bedside table, however, is endearingly sturdy, and the look inside the drawer suggests it’s well built. A coat of paint can fix ugly.
The couch is one of those “how could good ingredients end up as bad food” incidents. I love velvet–my couch is velvet. I love squishy couches. I love metal touches. But no. Just no.
Vinyl? Vintage vinyl? Never.
The pink chairs are pretty, but I have had the misfortune to sit through some long meetings on very similar, if less pink, chairs. They are hideously uncomfortable. Their beauty cannot save them.
The art deco chifforobe needs a close look. If it’s well built it would be wonderful, but it might be a piece of crap.
My best guess about the shelf contents is that they have put their name and address on the spine of every single thing they own. If the arrow were rotated ninety degrees it would point to the dog damage, maybe?
Some excellent hideosity in the quiz this time! And, as an aside, I’ve been seeing a LOT of pink decorating on the Internet lately.
I was born in 1972, and there are some things I just cannot deal with. One example is gold faucets and shower fixtures. They give me flashbacks and make me barf in my mouth a little bit. Those vinyl chairs do the the same. My parents had overstuffed chairs and a sofa that were BRIGHT yellow vinyl. They matched the kitchen counters and over. I think I need to go lie down for a bit.
Very entertaining piece! I think the rattan could be fine in the right space but I wouldn’t pay more than $30 for it. I like the little cabinet!
I don’t like the sofa but if it’s really a Milo B I would think it would be worth more than $250.
The pink chairs are refugees from a doctor’s waiting room so NOPE. The armoire would just really depend on condition. it doesn’t look too great from the photo.
I think you’re spot on. I will also add that the vinyl chair is irredeemable, but if the sofa were recovered in velvet, it could be pretty darn good.