We’ve also made it pretty clear how much we love finding strange things on craigslist and trying to figure out if they are strange in a good way or a bad way. Because, with most strange things, that line is pretty thin:
We’ve invited you into this game twice before (in our cleverly named posts Craigslist Finds: Awesome or Terrible? and (More) Craigslist Finds: Awesome or Terrible?) and we’ve had so much fun seeing what you all think! We’re back for another round. See what we’ve found, and weigh in below!
First up this lamp. It is long at 40″ (so probably would never fit in either of our low-ceiling-ed homes) but is it wrong for us to be a little sad about that?
It’s got a lot of great detail, and a fun vintage/MCM vibe to it. Plus, the current owners have already determined that it’s “very cool,” so who are we to disagree? But we can’t help ask, is the white and blue too “baby?” When hanging, would it just look weird and long?
Please help us decide.
Okay, then, how about this light? At only $25, it is definitely affordable. And it kind of has some cool mid-century vibes.
Or is the brown too sad and 1970s? To be fair, maybe we’re letting the context of the photo bias our impression. Pro tip: don’t photograph items for sale that include exposed live wiring and a really bright light in the foreground that *isn’t* the one you’re trying to sell.
But context aside, we see a lot of lights like this at reasonable prices, and its hard to tell if they’re really cool or really not (it’s so much more convenient when the seller decides for you, as in the first light). Maybe it would take just the perfect room to make it look great?
Moving away from strange glass lighting, let’s talk about coffee tables. Is it just us, or is this pretty and cool?
Besides the fact that we’re not sure “middle eastern” is a single style, it has some great detail and could look amazing in the right space. And the base is unquestionably awesome. (It is probably a good purchase for the base alone.)
But maybe the tray just makes it too haphazard and busy? You tell us!
Lastly, we’re suckers for mid-century legs just like most of the blogosphere, but we can’t quite tell if this living room set is retro in a really good way or a really bad way.
On the one hand, MID-CENTURY. On the other, maybe this is an example of too much of a good thing. Plus, the finish isn’t exactly the most appealing. What say you?
Thanks for playing along! We’ll definitely let you know if any of them make it into our homes.
And, if you come across strange craigslist items in your travels, send us a screenshot and we might put it in the next edition!