As our recurring readers will remember, this whole game is founded on one of the fundamental truths of craigslist, flea markets, interior, design, and life: that the line between truly extraordinary and truly horrible is a fine one. Things that are too safe are just boring, and things that are cool and interesting, if pushed just a little farther, can be terrifying and strange.
Staying on the right side of this line is where friends and family comes in, and we spent a lot of time as we were walking around Brimfield asking each other, “is too weird? Is it great or is it awful?” Of course, we took pictures for all of you to join in, as well!
First up, in one of the first tents we came across this gigantic industrial light. To give you a sense of scale, we’ll point out that it is surrounded by normal sized furniture.
Whatever it is, it is definitely a statement piece. But does the pretty blue and industrial vibe make it cool, or is it a horrible monstrosity that would ruin any room that you put it in? (We were divided on this one.)
On a more reasonable scale, how about this foot rest that we spotted amidst a pile of junk?
While the color is so last-year, it could work with some decor or could be reupholstered in any fabric. Is the shape funky and retro in a good way, or hopelessly weird and/or grandma? Is this the kind of gem that Emily Henderson would be able to spot? (We were also divided on this one, but the other way.)
OK, so what about this chandelier? We came across it partway through the day, and examined it alongside a nice couple who were thinking about buying it. (For some reason they seemed a bit insulted when we told them that we were going to post about how it could either be great or terrible on our blog.)
It is in good condition, but is it too stark and strange? Does it make you think of a futuristic streetlight on a planet designed by MCM robots? Or is it super cool and mod?
Speaking of chandeliers, we came across this interesting orb-shaped piece — it’s made out of some sort of fiber, and of course is Sage’s favorite color.
Is it just us, or could this look really cool over a dining room table?
And lastly, we came across this large metal piece that could be used in an entryway (sorry for the photo, but it was tough to photograph because it’s made of wire and was against a busy backdrop!).
It’s seen better days, but with some paint would it be pretty cool?
Thank you for voting and “shopping” along with us! And if you come across stuff that you are having trouble deciding on or that you think we’d get a kick out of, send it our way and we might be able to share it next time we play this game!