But first to back up. We’re lucky participants in The Mystery Thrift Off, an exuberantly fun competition run by the exuberantly fun Lindsey of the blog Better After. Each of the 12 participants were shipped a mystery item that Lindsey found at her local thrift store, and were charged to do an inventive and dramatic makeover. In our case the item was… a plastic cactus. A fuzzy plastic cactus.
As you could probably tell from our post about our “brainstorming process,” we were flummoxed. Our leading idea was to turn it into a drunken cowboy.
NOT what Lindsey had in mind, probably.
So we put out a poll to help figure out what to do, and the results were pretty conclusive that we should do something (anything) else with it.
Clearly, you were not impressed by our brilliant ideas. Some of you, seeing our desperation, even offered helpful suggestions. We could turn it into a classy, candelabra-style lamp:
Or, we could turn it into awesome, desert style cat furniture:
While we see where you’re going with that one, we gently point out that the scale is just a little off. It would actually look a bit more like this:
But if we learned one thing, it is that if you advertise to the world that you’re going to do a makeover of a fuzzy plastic cactus that was mailed to you in a box covered with green question marks, people will keep asking about it.
We’ve been dying to show you, and now we can, as the reveal is live over at Better After!
While you’re there, be sure to take a look at all the other fun and brilliant projects by the other participants running throughout this week, and to come back to Better After later this week to vote for your favorite (ours, obviously) across three categories: Most Creative, Best Case of Using What Ya Got, and The Better After Award.
And don’t worry, next week we’ll be sharing the full behind-the-scenes of how we went from fuzzy plastic cactus to the most beautiful table you’ve ever seen. (Update: here it is!)
(Sharing at Weekend Re-Treat Link Party)