Curious what today’s post was supposed to be about?
For a long time I’ve known that I want to add sconces to either side of the mirror in the living room, both to add visually (the mirror is a little too small for the space) and to add some light because the back corner gets dark and that’s where I most like to read.
So today’s post was supposed to be all about the new sconces I got. I put it on the calendar months ago and specifically remember saying to Naomi “that should be plenty of time to handle that project!”
Well friends, I have completed not a single step in the process. I haven’t even rounded up a list of sconces I like (though I may just piggyback off of Naomi’s legwork researching lighting for her bedroom — she has pretty good taste, right?).
I hate to make excuses. I hate to pass this off as a substantive blog post. I hate to sound even a little bit unhappy about the all around amazing and privileged life I have. But this blog is supposed to be about honesty and our real lives as homeowners and people, and the truth is that this has been a bit of a tough time and a lot of unexpected things have come up that have derailed some of my plans. So today is a round up of little updates in my life and house that don’t merit their own posts individually, but in the spirit of bringing you along in the journey I wanted to share. Before you tune out: those of you who were waiting with baited breath about the quest for me to find pants (and seriously, so many of you have asked me how that’s going): today I have an update for you!
The Kitchen Renovation: All is great on this front, phew! As I shared last week, we did some electrical work, got an engineering drawing done, and applied for our building permit. I just found out the permit was approved, so we’re ready to begin construction on April 11th! And I’m doing more prep work this weekend that I’ll post about next week. The one less positive thing with the kitchen reno is that as you know, we’ve encountered some unexpected additional costs (like maybe redoing the floors) — so that has made us cautious about spending money anywhere else in the house right now, like on sconces for the living room. But all considered, we’re still feeling pretty great about this project — and once the wall comes down we can really get cracking and I promise there will be endless content to share!
The Pants: As you may remember, one of my New Year’s goals was to buy a new pair of work pants.
The hunt was proving pretty challenging — but I’ve finally had success!

Sorry for the terrible photo, but this is what happens when you work full-time and thus are never home during daylight hours…and also when you are super awkward and hate being in front of the camera.
I got them through Stitch Fix (a monthly clothes delivery service which I use occasionally because I hate shopping). They were too long (as pants usually are for me), but I managed to master a blind hem (which is pretty easy to do by hand, I used this great tutorial) so they are now the right length and I think look pretty good. Phew!
The Boston Marathon: One of the big things that hasn’t been going so hot right now (and has been consuming most of my mental energy) is my goal to run the Boston Marathon. It’s just two weeks away, but three weeks ago I sustained a running injury that has prevented me from running (it’s a sciatic nerve inflammation from my hip all down my leg and into my foot on my right side). I am working with a chiropractor and I’m trying to stay hopeful, but the reality is that there’s a good chance I won’t be able to run the marathon because I’m not able to walk let alone run without pretty sharp pain — and having trained since December, gotten up to 20-miles for my long runs, and raised $7,500 for a charity I believe in (you can’t just register for Boston — you either have to qualify, which is pretty hard, or run for a charity team) it’s been hard to accept the fact that this might not happen for me.
But as is so often the case, things like this remind me of how many wonderful things I have in my life, most particularly my friends and family who have been an amazing support network. I am committed to coming back stronger than ever and still running my first ultramarathon in the fall. After two weeks of a major pity party, I am feeling at peace with the possibility that I may not be out there on Marathon Monday.
Sam’s 30th Birthday: Sam turned 30 this past weekend, and I have to confess that I was not a great wife about it. I have been so consumed by the leg pain and its implications that I’ve been pretty unpleasant to be around (not only is it bad news, but the way I normally cope with bad news is to run — so I’ve been trying to deal with stress and anxiety while going cold turkey on my complete and utter endorphin addiction, which has made for some serious mood control issues). SAM, I LOVE YOU AND CHERISH YOU.
We did celebrate both our birthdays with a trip to NYC earlier in March to see Hamilton the Musical — which is AMAZING. If you haven’t listed to it, you absolutely should — you can hear the entire cast recording on Spotify (or other streaming services), and just listening to it you can get 100% of the storyline. However, the show itself was incredible. It was a big splurge for us, but we were both turning 30 this winter and wanted to do something special. Since we had been obsessed with Hamilton since first hearing the soundtrack, we knew it would be worth it.
The Asbestos: Another not-so-stellar development has been the discovery that we have asbestos tiles in our basement. While asbestos can be left alone if it’s intact, our tiles are definitely breaking in some places so we know it’s something we need to deal with. Right now we’re trying to leave it alone (the broken tiles are around the outside edges), but this will be a big (and expensive) project to deal with sometime soonish.
In case you’re curious, we used a lab called Western Analytical Laboratory — we simply bagged up a sample of the various tiles we have in the basement as well as a ceiling tile sample, and mailed them off. Within a few days we received the results — good news that the ceiling tiles aren’t asbestos, but the floor most certainly is.
The Lead: We also conducted a lead test after we learned that our city has one of the highest percentages of lead pipes in the state of Massachusetts (thank you Naomi for alerting us to that…). For that we used a kit we bought at Home Depot made by Pro Lab, where you sample the water and then send it off for them to test. We were super relieved when that test came back negative — I don’t think I could have taken bad news on that front in such close proximity to the asbestos revelation.
So those are some updates — some good, some not-so-good. But that’s life, and I’m just trying to focus on what I can control (and take some more accountability for controlling things like my outlook and mood) and go one day at a time. Happy Friday, and I hope all of you are weathering the ups and downs that life is throwing your way!
This is a great post – I love the honesty, and I totally understand. Life is quite overwhelming for me at the moment too – major house renovations, wedding planning, a stressful job and freelance work on top of that, I feel as though I am being pulled in a million directions and not really moving forward on anything. Even my usual ‘blitz the to do list’ approach to relieving stress is not working! I think I just need to focus on the bigger picture – things are getting done and progress is being made, even if it doesn’t feel like it!
Fingers crossed for you for Boston, but if you can’t make it this year, put it on the agenda for 2017. Your physical wellbeing is more important.
Great pants too! 🙂 x
Thank you Anna, I’m so glad this resonated and that I’m not the only one feeling strained this spring. It can be hard to admit for people who normally like to be busy and consider themselves able to handle so much, but sometimes it gets to be a bit much! Sadly for Boston 2017, I would either have to qualify at another marathon this spring (which seems unlikely given my present injury) or raise money for charity again (which was awesome, but my friends and family are totally tapped out). So I think I will keep it on my wish list for the future, and maybe try to qualify for it another year! Hopefully I have a long running career (“career”) ahead of me if I actually take care of myself! 🙂
oh man, I hate that you have asbestos in the tile. We just had our ceiling abated and it’s EXPENSIVE! Btw, the pants fit perfectly.
Thanks Ashley! Definitely trying to focus on the pants and not the asbestos 🙂
Pants look great!!!
Thanks Carol!
Excellent pants!
It blows when the downer parts of life hit you. I had some health problems last spring that culminated in surgery in November. While the healing was relatively quick and easy, I have managed to catch every bug that has existed this winter, which is saying something because I have kids. I’m laid up this week for the 5th time since Thanksgiving (and I just had my first round of post-op appointments at Thanksgiving). Pleh.
Good luck, and soldier on!
Oh no, how terrible! I hope the warmer weather brings an end to the bugs!
So sorry to hear about your sciatica and asbestos problems!Both suck. But its impressive how much you have done anyway and moved forward!
Thanks Lee! It’s definitely a big disappointment (on both counts, but the marathon most of all), but there’s nothing to do but accept the new reality and move forward. Onward!
At least you have pants to console yourself with. (See, the reason we’re all so interested in your pants-buying goal is the hope that if it can happen to you, then maybe, just maybe, it might happen to us, too.)
I am not a runner, and have never been a competitive walker, but I feel you on the stress-relief. I have always walked for exercise (and fun!) and now I am experiencing so much arthritis pain in my foot–only one foot, the other side has not caught up yet–that I cannot walk around the house without pain, after my day at work walking all the time. I used to come home from eight to ten hours on my feet, and go out for a nice walk of one or two miles, longer on days off when I had more time, and now that’s just not possible. And I don’t want to substitute some other form of exercise! I want to walk!!! So, sending you much sympathy, and good wishes for recovery.
Oh yes, it sounds like you know exactly how I’m feeling! How terrible, I’m so sorry! I feel the exact same way — people keep asking if I can do x, y, and z other things instead (swim, bike, etc), but all I like to do is run. I’m doing yoga now, but only because my chiropractor says it will help me heal faster. It’s all an endgame to be able to run again. I’m so sorry about your arthritis!!!
So much empathy on the back pain. I lost an entire summer to sciatica a few years ago, but the good news is I am 90% back to my old self — mostly pain free, able to do most exercise that I want to do, and equipped with the mental tools to handle the pain when it comes back. As it will, for most of us. Physical therapy was much more helpful than chiropractic for me (YMMV, of course), because the therapist experimented with different modalities and we found ways of bringing my pain down. Do you do planks? Those can be really helpful, over time.
Kudos on the pants, the kitchen, ***Hamilton*** oh my goodness, and rats to the darn asbestos. Sending good thoughts.
Thanks Andrea! Plank seems to be really helpful, as well as PT exercises targeting my hips and glutes because that’s where a lot of the issues are stemming from. Also, apparently, from my ankles. Just a whole mess, really! 🙂 Gad to hear you’re back to where you want to be, and I’m on that path too!
Hi! I am too a young sciatica victim, we should start a club! Just kidding, it’s too depressing for a theme. Anyway, when I was going crazy with the pain, the TENS machine was such a wonder for me, I don’t think it cures or anything, but it distracts the pain so well. If you’re feeling a lot of it, I totally recommend that thing. Get better and put your health first!
Great idea! My husband has one for his back pain (also another young person with back pain, what gives?!?), so I should give it a try!