Stay tuned for Wednesday’s post where we’ll reveal all the horrible images that also resulted from this photoshoot…
We do our best to share who we are here on the blog, but it can sometimes be hard to fit in personal content when we’re producing so many extraordinary projects and providing such brilliant commentary. But, guys, this is 2016 and this is the year that women this blog can really have it all! So to close out our first year, here are a few things you may-or-may not know about us:
(And, lest you think this is all about us, please be sure to make it to the bottom for a very short survey to tell us a little about you!)
Did You Know …That We Only Talked 3 Times Before Deciding to Launch a Blog Together?
We jumped into this blog thing quickly. We met about a year and a half ago when Sage joined the nonprofit where Naomi worked, and we quickly scoped each other out. Over group drinks just a week in, we discovered that we both like DIY and home improvement, and both read blogs. We decided to get lunch together, which turned out to be an awkward, rushed affair over cold sandwiches in the lobby of the building. But we persisted and went out again for sushi, which is when we haphazardly decided that it was a good idea to launch a blog together.
Sage already had a blog, but didn’t post regularly and was ready for something new as she was just purchasing her first home. Naomi had a relatively new home and had been reading blogs for a while, with an internal monologue that sounded like your a-little-too-tipsy-relative at a modern art gallery: A brazen “I could do that!”
We got to work right away: picking a name, buying a domain and theme, and working out joint tone and content. We really barely knew each other, and it is really very lucky that we’ve ended up actually liking each other, and, importantly, like working together. (On Wednesday we’ll share our many secrets to success when it comes to running a blog with a friend/random stranger.)

The sunflower that Naomi put on Sage’s desk to welcome her on her first day of work, which Sage inexplicably took a photo of even though she didn’t know who Naomi was or that a blogging adventure was about to begin
…That We Are Freakishly Similar?
Part of the reason we felt comfortable starting a business together so quickly is that we quickly realized how similar we are. It is uncanny and, to be honest, was a little frightening.
The obvious similarities are a love of home improvement, DIY, reading blogs, and writing. Within those things, we have very similar tastes and read a lot of the same blogs. (In our warped brains this is sort of like having a lot of friends in common.)
But, beyond DIY, there were even more strange similarities. We were both born and raised in New England, are the same age, and both have one sibling, a brother four years younger than us. When we met, we were also working at the same organization, doing similar jobs, with nearly identical job titles (one word different). Now we work in different organizations, but still both in the non-profit sector.
We both celebrate the solstice as our winter holiday. Neither of us listens to much music. We both hate parking, talking on the phone, and parking while talking on the phone. Neither of us ever drinks enough water. Both of our Moms hate cilantro, and both of our Dads like it. We both think that we’re both hilarious. We communicate almost entirely in sarcastic remarks, and yet always understand what the other one actually means. We both hate waking up early, but will do so if a thrifting or school pillaging excursion requires it. We both looked really great in a dress from Anthropologie one time, but Sage graciously let Naomi buy it.
We could go on…

Getting ready to ransack a local high school
… But We’re Not Actually The Same Person?
It’s true! As hard as it may be to believe, there are actually a few differences between us. We think they’re pretty significant. For example, Sage doesn’t like tomatoes, while Naomi does. Sage trains for marathons which Naomi would find akin to torture (and has enough trouble hearing about them from Sage all the time). Naomi tends to use blue and red in home decor, while Sage tends toward turquoise and pink. We recently discovered that Naomi can do Magic Eyes and Sage cannot. Also, Naomi’s hair is darker, and since Sage recently got a haircut, Naomi’s hair is a little longer, too. So you see, we’re really very different on some fundamental levels.
When we first met, Sage didn’t drink a lot of coffee and Naomi did. But Sage now drinks a lot of coffee, too, so we guess that’s not really a difference anymore….
…That We’re Not A Couple?
You might be reading those opening sections and thinking, wow, what a cute an insufferable couple! You wouldn’t be the first. A lot of people have assumed that we’re a couple because we have this blog together, but actually we’re both living very happily with our respective partners – Sage’s husband Sam and Naomi’s boyfriend Brad.
Actually, this is another similarity! We both have been with our current partners for the same amount of time (about 8 years). And, there is also some controversy in both of our relationships about when “the dating” officially began.
It is a little out of the ordinary to have a blog with someone when you’re not in a couple or otherwise related. Check out our post on Wednesday for our thoughts on how that works!
…That Only One of Our Partners Reads the Blog?
Despite this blog being about both of their houses, only one of our partners actually reads the blog. Can you guess which one? (Share your answer in the survey at the end of this post.)
…That We’ve Never Missed a Post?
We post three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and we’ve never missed a post! We have taken a few pre-scheduled breaks for the holidays, and there was that one time that someone incorrectly scheduled their Wednesday post for Tuesday, but otherwise we’ve stuck to our schedule.
We’re really proud of this. Both of us have full time jobs that can get hectic and substantial not-nonexistent social lives. This post schedule is a significant commitment for us, and it feels like an achievement that we’ve been able to meet it for a year.
…That We’ve Made $375 So Far?
In year 1, Plaster & Disaster made … about $375 dollars. This isn’t nothing and, importantly, covers the costs of operating the blog (though obviously not the cost of the home improvement projects we blog about). In our first year we’ve been really focused on generating interesting content, and not so much on making money. But we’re certainly hoping to grow our revenue in the coming year. Here is the breakdown of where the money comes from:
As you can see, not all of the money comes from the blog operations directly. A lot of blogs these days are experimenting with other revenue models, whether that is selling e-books, craft kits, or products.
However, we did work on one project together this year that has dwarfed our other revenue completely. We unfortunately can’t talk about it yet, but when we can rest assured that we will share all the details we possibly can. It has totally transformed our revenue picture for the year:
Hooray for solvency!
…That We Don’t Accept Sponsored Content?
We have a blanket rule against sponsored content here on the blog, and always will. That means that we don’t accept anything – money, products, promotion – in exchange for writing about something. It’s not what we like to read when we read blogs, so it’s not what we want to share here. (Check our our policies to learn more.)
…That We Try to be Brutally Honest About Disasters?
When we were brainstorming at the outset about what we wanted this blog to be, at the top of our list was that we wanted to be totally transparent about what goes wrong and what doesn’t look good. It’s easy to read blogs and feel like your home is an ugly mess, but the reality is that in most homes it is a mixed bag.
This has taken several forms. Sometimes we write about projects that don’t work at all, mistakes we made, tips we learned the hard way, or things that go wrong along the way in a successful project. Sometimes we tell funny stories about taking on something and failing, or share the disasters that we’re trying to ignore in our homes, or what is actually going on behind even our prettiest photos.
This can be hard to do. Not that we don’t want to share, but because it can feel like an insubstantial or useless post to just say “well, this didn’t work” or “this was just okay.” We put the word “disaster” right in the title to help us keep to this commitment.
… That Our Former Co-Worker Named our Blog?
Speaking of the name, ever wonder where “Plaster & Disaster” came from? We had a lot of trouble thinking of a name. We knew that we wanted it to include something about honesty or DIY not going well, and something about home improvement or projects. We had some not-so-awesome contenders:
- The Unvarnished Home
- Paint It ‘Til You Make It
- DIY Disclosures
- The Imperfect Home
Fortunately for all of you, we asked our co-worker Stephanie (the same Stephanie who we gave advice for a patio makeover), and she came back with “Plaster or Disaster.” She has an unreasonable hatred of ampersands, but we took her creative genius, popped an ampersand in there, and called it a day. Thanks, Stephanie!

Congratulations on naming the blog, Stephanie! Now let’s do what we do best: really awkward photoshoots.
The 2016 Plaster & Disaster Reader Survey
Now, tell us about you! We’d love to learn a little more about our readers, what you’d like to see in Plaster & Disaster, and whether you are any good at math.
(Sharing at DIY Like A Boss, Pin Junkie Pin Party, and Tip Me Tuesday)
Imust say, I love the fact that you guys don’t do any of that sponsored content stuff. I’ve noticed an uptick in that kind of thing on other blogs that I used to enjoy and it becomes rather intrusive after awhile. I’ve stopped reading some blogs because of it..every other post seems to be an infomercial.
Congratulations on the first year– keep it up!!
Thanks, Jen! Agreed, I’ve definitely been turned off by too much sponsored stuff before. It’s an important part of the revenue model, but we’re in the lucky position to get to choose our own way!
Congrats on year one. I’m on week one. After lots of years of loving blogs, I finally decided to try my hand at it. Your post make me smile. Hopefully I can do the same. Happy Monday!
Thanks Jessica – Wow, congrats on week 1!! That is much harder. I checked it out and it looks like you’re off to a great start! Love the gallery wall you’ve got going on over that beautiful brick!
Darn! I “got” the parking lot answer after I voted!
Ah, sorry! That one got me, too, which is why I shared it 🙂 The trick, of course, is that it isn’t really a math question… those of us to over think things are probably not going to do well haha.
I also started my blog last year (March). You’ve made $375 dollars more than me ! But I haven’t worked out that bit of blogging yet too busy focusing on content. I’ve really enjoyed discovering your blog and love what you do. Looking forward to following you this year.
Thank you, Claire! We’ve enjoyed reading your blog, too! I think we found you via that cactus extravaganza 🙂
I LOVE your blog. Your sense of humor is so engaging – that is a lot of the reason I follow you!!!
That is so nice of you to say! I mean, WE think we’re hilarious, obviously, but the world doesn’t always agree 🙂 Thanks for reading!!
I really enjoy your blog. You have an upbeat attitude, even in the midst of disaster which gives me courage to tackle my own projects. Keep it up!
Well if we can’t be cheerful through disaster… we will be in bad shape. It wouldn’t be pretty. I really think DIY is mostly a “controlled fall” from one thing going wrong to another… and DIY blogging is when you take pictures along the way.
i am 66 i have an old woman’s body and a 30 something mind, i love snarky and i still do sheet around the house just takes me a whole lot longer and some of it is sheet lol xx
Well that’s how sheet gets done! We love that you love snarky 🙂 it is our first language… all else is translation.
I think I discovered your blog around the same time I started my own, and I’ve always loved catching up on your projects. You guys have a great take on the whole DIY thing that you don’t see with many other bloggers. There are too many “perfect” projects out there and not enough honest disasters!
Thanks Vineta! Your projects are always so inspiring and ambitious, you bite off so much more than many folks! Love it.
Three cheers and congrats on an incredible first year! Now I’ll just need to do something incredible in year two to warrant a mention in your second anniversary post…like, maybe, I don’t know…finally finish my patio makeover?! 😉
Sorry Stephanie, patios are so 2015. But I’m sure you can think of something else incredible 🙂
We’ll see if you still think that once I spray paint everything serenity and quartz…
If the Lorax makes an appearance, we will guarantee you coverage in next year’s anniversary celebration.
Love your style of blogging and snarkiness. It’s very refreshing. Also, add another reader to the list who appreciates the fact that you don’t do sponsored content. It makes me feel very mistrustful of the blog in general when they start doing that. I hope you are able to generate enough revenue to keep up this little blog, even without it.
So helpful to hear, thank you! The big advantage of having full-time jobs is that we don’t rely on the blog for income, so everything that does come in is a nice bonus but there isn’t pressure to do anything beyond what we want to do in terms of revenue models. One of our biggest models is Young House Love — we both felt like we could trust them so much about product decisions (I still look back at things they bought as I’m considering my own purchases), and that had a lot to do with them never having sponsored content so we just knew there was nothing behind their recommendation but their positive experience. The revenue model in the blogging world is changing and we get that, but we’re happy with where we’ve landed on that decision for Plaster & Disaster. Glad it resonates with you!
Happy blogiversary! I enjoy your site. BTW, the blog Red House West is run by two friends. “Two old friends in two old houses.” I think one lives in Alaska and one in Oregon. It’s a nice site. Cheers!
Awesome, thanks Diane — so glad to have learned about Red House West!