We have some big long-term hopes for the two upstairs bedrooms — including adding a dormer for a second bathroom and relocating the master bedroom into the current craft room — and so I’ve been slow to do much with the spaces because we don’t know how long we’ll be living with them (we need to get a contractor out to look at the space and give us an estimate so we know how long it will take to save up for it).
But we have some exciting shorter-term news that may impact our use of the space for now: Sam’s younger sister (my sister-in-law), who is 22 and currently spending a year in Chad teaching at an orphanage, may be coming to live with us for awhile starting in August!
She’s trying to figure out what she wants to do life-wise when she gets back, which as you can imagine is hard while located so far away and without a lot of communication channels like reliable phone and internet. We’ve been trying to convince her to come live with us for bit in Boston while she figures it out, and she seems intrigued. Boston has a lot of job and educational opportunities, so we just feel like it could be a good place for her to land while she thinks about her longer term plans. And now I’ve shared the idea on the internet, so she basically has to do it.
This might seem strange to those of you who know how much Sam and I love our privacy, and it’s kind of surprising to us too how enthusiastic we both are about the possibility. She’s just that awesome. And also, I may have a devious plan to enlist her in home improvement manual labor. Just maybe.

Maddie hugging me right after Sam and I got engaged — embracing me gingerly because she has paint on her hands. PROOF THAT SHE CAN PAINT.
Anyway, that means that I have my eye on making the guest room a better space for longer term occupation. (Granted she’s been living in an orphanage in Chad, so I’m not sure where her standards are right now but we may break all expectations just by putting an air conditioner in her room.)

Current weather forecast for her city in Chad, as of the time I started drafting this post. Hot enough that she’s forgotten what winter is and is foolish enough to consider moving to Boston even after the winter we just had.
Currently, the room is furnished with:
- A double bed frame that the seller left behind
- A box spring from my friend
- A futon we had already (We originally had a mattress from the same friend who gave us the box spring, but it was exceeeeedingly uncomfortable and then she revealed to me that it was forty years old. FORTY YEARS. It was her mother’s before her mother got married.)
- A blue dresser that we found at a yard sale for $40
- Two side tables from IKEA for $15 each, with lamps left behind by the seller
- An amazing incredible thrift store lamp that yours truly made over for our first ever Plaster & Disaster post
It’s really very functional already. We have the dresser for storage, plus a big closet that we currently use to store games and suitcases but could easily accommodate clothing along the bar.
And we have this handy dandy sign with the wifi info, which pinterest tells me is a requirement for a perfect guest room.
Really, what more could a bedroom need?
But it’s really not that pretty. Even the nicer things — like the dresser and my awesome super incredible lamp — clash with one another and with the blue walls. The blue walls with flowered contact paper on them, if you didn’t catch that.
So what do I want to do before Maddie (possibly) moves in?
Well, firstly I would love to paint. I’m tired just thinking about it. But I would love this to be a bright white space maybe with an accent wall along the windows. Please feel free to leave irate comments about how I’m proposing painting all the natural wood, but it’s just not my style or the style of this house. It’s like a little log cabin room, which just feels strange given the rest of the house. But white is so nice, it could look like this!

From Bob Vila
Or this!

From Home Bunch
If only Maddie could paint her own room before arriving….
I’d also love to have fun with that bedframe — maybe paint it a bold color like the image below, or perhaps upholster the headboard.

From Makely
Again, everyone is probably freaking out about painting the wood. Maybe I’ll love the natural color once the walls are lighter, and will decide to leave it. Everyone calm down.
I’d also like to add a chair in the far corner, next to the dresser. We have a rocker that I think might work well, though I’d want to recover it to have a better seat cushion and maybe stain the wood darker. I tried to recover it a few years ago, but I had a lot of trouble with the T-shaped bottom cushion because I’d just started sewing, and then I tried to use a normal pillow instead but had so little fabric left that the pillow is ridiculously small and the whole thing is absurd and embarrassing.
I can’t believe I have it in my living room right now, but I need something to balance out The Chair while I search for another perfect chair. But for you, Maddie, I’d move it prematurely.

This whole scene is distressing. I have big plans for it, though — new chair to replace the rocker, recover The Chair, replace cat tower with shelves for cats (trust me), new lamp, deal with cord situation, stock the wine rack with wine and not drink it all immediately…BUT THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT THE LIVING ROOM, FOCUS PEOPLE.
Here’s a mock-up I put together showing all these changes:

From Dwell
Just kidding, that’s obviously someone else’s awesome attic bedroom. But it’s actually laid out pretty similarly to mine, and it’s what I’ll keep picturing as I psych myself up for the many many (many) hours of painting this room will require.
So what do you think? What does this room need to be the perfect space to entice a worldly 22-year old to come live with her lame old brother and sister-in-law in the suburbs?
(UPDATE: Make sure to check out what we actually did in the space — Part I and Part II!)
(Sharing at Two Uses Tuesday, One Project at a Time, Whimsy Wednesday, AKA Design, and Tip Me Tuesday,)
Well I, for one, have no problem with you painting the wood walls (AND I’VE SEEN THEM, PEOPLE, SO I HAVE SOME SKIN IN THIS GAME). They do have that hunting-cabin-in-the-Poconos vibe going on, which is fine in a hunting cabin in the Poconos, but not so much in the Boston ‘burbs. Clean and white would be elegant!
Yay! We can fend off the nay-sayers together.
Your sis-in-law is going to love being in that room! Awesome job! But for me, I kind of would be more comfortable in your craft/hoarding room- it looks just like home! xoxo
I hear you, Erica — sleeping surrounded by decor and craft items is my idea of heaven! 🙂
As if I didn’t have enough incentive to visit Boston this coming year already!
Yes please!
I think you should totally paint the wood white. I really have no idea why people freak out when you paint wood. I also love the idea of a green bed. Can’t wait to see what you end up doing!
Thanks Rosy! I’m thinking that about 25% of the way into the project I will be regretting my decision (so.many.coats), but I’ll be so happy when it’s done!
I’m calm, really. Just sayin … after you’ve painted the blue walls, who knows, one wood wall may be just the accent you’d like. Or not.
Sailing strategy in the face of uncertainty: Take a step. Reassess conditions. Decide next step.
Of course you may have no uncertainty …
So true, and with DIY it’s the same — one step at a time, reassess as needed!
Paint the walls! It will look and feel so much lighter and brighter. Natural wood color belongs on floors, not walls, in my opinion.
Thanks for your positive vote, Vineta! 🙂
The problem is the heater. If you place the bed like in the inspiration room, it will be right at the heater.
Other than that, the dresser rocks, she will enjoy the closet and you gave internet access…hmmm is there a mirror for her to admire herself into it? 🙂
A mirror, of course! Didn’t even think of it, great suggestion!
I think it’d be cool to include some world map artwork, a globe or some African artwork somehow…after all, she’s a world traveler. But I love all your ideas you talked about, including painting that wood. Right there with ya’, sister. 🙂
Such a good idea, I love that! I’ve been thinking about artwork for the room, and maps would be perfect!
Will you come help me? 🙂
I’ve just discovered your blog, and I’m enjoying looking at your projects!
If you haven’t done it already, I say paint the wood! knotty pine paneling is not gorgeous natural, but it is stunning painted. I think that the dark wood bed will look really good in the room once you paint everything white, so start with the walls and re-assess.
Thanks Gaidig, and I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog! Planning to pick up the paintbrush soon, sounds like I’ve got a lot of supporters! 🙂